Our Promise

Wee make it easy.

Helping people is the most rewarding profession in the world. And it deserves the finest – and the best – workwear.

Yet, we understand that the daily grind in practices & care facilities can be demanding.

That's why we've made it our mission to make your journey to new outfits as simple & easy as possible.

Super comfortable & with impeccable style. And with a seamless ordering process, hassle-free try-ons, attractive prices, and of course, top-notch quality.

Our Mission

A new Standard for Healthcare.

Simple & Easy

Superior comfort meets impeccable style – Wee Scrubs offers modern medical workwear in a variety of vibrant colors for practices & care facilities. Our outfits are comfortably flexible and of course washable at 60 degrees. Effortless ordering, obligation-free try-ons, attractive prices, and exceptional quality make Wee Scrubs the secure choice.


The best product is not only superior in everyday work, but also sets a good example ecologically and socially. Our fabrics are sustainably produced in Europe – with short delivery routes and under fair conditions. We see our suppliers as partners. In short: We take responsibility so that you can take responsibility with a clear conscience.


Vast experience is good. Involving the users – you – into the process right from the start is better. Because we are convinced that the best product can only be created together. That's why we not only produce our Scrubs & Co for you – but with you. Colleagues from practice & nursing have therefore been part of our team from the very beginning.

Our Claim

Not only easy - better!

Workwear not only has to be comfortable, but hardwearing and durable, too. This is why Wee Scrubs were developed by proven professionals: the style comes from a workwear expert, the fabric was specially developed for workwear and the Wee Scrubs are sewn by one of the leading European companies for – you guessed it – workwear. Just like the work clothing of a German shipping service provider, a Bavarian automobile manufacturer and a large number of German fire brigades.

Our Team

It's all about Wee.

At Wee Scrubs, the focus is on you.
That's why you're all part of the team – each of you is Wee.

Wee – it's the many familiar and unfamiliar colleagues of yours who have envisioned and created Wee Scrubs so simple & easy.

Wee – it's all of you who contribute simply & easily in practices & care facilities every day so we continue to experience the beautiful moments.

Wee – it's also Nina Böhmer. She is our guiding star and our inspiration, ensuring that we as a brand, always remain simple & easy ;)


Nina Böhmer

Nina already knew as a little girl that she wanted to work in a hospital later. After training as a state-approved social assistant, she first completed further training as a nursing assistant and worked in a shared flat for old people and people in need of care. In 2012 she was finally able to start her training as a registered nurse, which she successfully completed in 2015. In March 2020 she wrote a Facebook post about the ailing health system, the flawed health policy and the lack of appreciation for employees in practice, nursing and therapy. This post went viral, resulting in countless media appearances and her SPIEGEL Bestseller "You can take your applause elsewhere". followed. Since then she has been campaigning publicly and politically for better conditions in the health sector. Nina has set herself the goal of not ending her commitment until there are noticeable positive changes for all employees in the health professions.

Wee support PflegeOscar

Appreciation. From you, for you.

Special commitment deserves appreciation and respect. Especially when this commitment underscores the beautiful, fulfilling moments of the job. And that is exactly what the PflegeOscar ("Oscar" to those who care) stands for. Each week, a winner is selected from the community's suggestions. The message: "Be proud of yourself! You do something special! You make a difference!"

Wee Scrubs is a proud partner in this optimistic initiative from the community, for the community


Do you have any suggestions? Share them with us! ideas@weescrubs.com